Landlord insurance: government releases plans for sustainable building

>> Thursday, June 16, 2011

Buy-to-let insurance customers may find their portfolios include more sustainable properties in the future.

The government has published proposed changes to planning policy that aim to increase building across the UK and protect the environment.

A focus on sustainable building and reducing red tape for developers includes a "presumption in favour of sustainable development".

The presumption proposal means that proposals for new homes that meet with local authorities' development needs are approved without delay.

Local authorities will be urged to create Local Plans to outline what type of building is favoured in their area, from shops to new housing.

In addition, a National Planning Policy Framework will ensure that all building proposals meet with environmental regulations for sustainable development.

Housing minister Greg Clark commented: "By putting this presumption at the heart of our new framework we will give the planning system a wake-up call so the right sort of development ... gets approval without delay."

A more streamlined planning process with give both buy-to-let insurance policyholders and commercial insurance customers the chance to expand their property portfolios as development takes place.


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